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Hurricane Chris at Louisiana Legislature saga goes on

Louisiana Now was among the first to spread the word about the Hurricane Chris performance of "Halle Berry (She's Fine)" at the Louisiana Legislature. Since then the controversy has grown, and more media outlets are picking up on the story.
WWL reports the Shreveport rapper's performance on the floor of the Louisiana House of Representatives is being called an embarrassment by a New Orleans lawmaker.
"The words they were using in the song were just extremely derogatory, they were foul," Rep. Austin Badon told WWL First News. "They were curse words, using the 'N' word. It was just a derogatory song."
Badon said video clips of the performance are being spread across the Internet, and it's not good for Louisiana's image.
KTBS reporter Chrissi Coile also picked up on the story. KTBS quotes Rep. Barbara Norton of Shreveport as saying:
"We were stopping for just a minute saying, 'We love Louisiana; this is our home.' It wasn't like we took 30-40 minutes."
Gawker posted the lyrics to the song, leading off with a gem of a commentary: "Unparalleled in the history of American political corruption is the backwards collection of scoundrels, scallywags, hooligans, rascals and charlatans collectively known as the Louisiana State Legislature."

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